How to Keep Dogs out of Garden

By Emma Green Apr 28, 2023

Keeping dogs out of the garden can be quite challenging, especially if you’re a dog owner yourself. However, with a bit of planning and creativity, it’s possible to keep your garden free from dog-related destruction. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to keep dogs out of your garden.

6 ways to keep dogs out of garden

Build a Fence

The easiest and most effective way to keep dogs out of your garden is to build a fence around it. Make sure to choose a sturdy fence material, like wood or metal, that dogs can’t easily break through. You can even add a gate lock to make sure that the fence stays shut at all times.

Choose Plants That Dogs Don’t Like

Certain plants, like citronella, lavender, and marigolds, naturally repel dogs. Planting these around the perimeter of your garden or in strategic locations can discourage dogs from entering your garden. On the other hand, avoid planting dog-friendly plants like catnip or mint.

Use Ground Barriers

Another way to keep dogs out of your garden is to use physical barriers like rocks, stones, or chicken wire. These can deter dogs from digging into your garden beds or trampling over your delicate plants.

Train Your Dog

If you’re a dog owner and your dog is causing damage to your garden, consider training them to stay away from it. Try training them to stay out of certain areas of the garden, or teach them to respond to specific commands like “leave it” or “stay away.”

Use Dog Repellents

Some natural dog repellents, like vinegar and citrus oil, can be sprayed around the garden to discourage dogs from coming near. You can also buy commercial dog repellents that are safe for plants but repel dogs with their smell.

Create a Designated Dog Area

If you want to keep your garden free from dog-related damage, consider creating a designated dog area within your yard. This can be a fenced-off area where your dog can play and dig to their heart’s content, without causing damage to your garden.


1. What types of fences are best for keeping dogs out of my garden?

Sturdy fence materials like wood or metal are best for keeping dogs out of your garden. You can also consider using electric fences or invisible fences in certain areas.

2. Can I use cayenne pepper to keep dogs out of my garden?

While cayenne pepper can be effective in repelling dogs, it can also be harmful if ingested. It’s best to use safer and more natural dog repellents like vinegar or citrus oils instead.

3. How do I prevent my dog from digging in my garden beds?

You can prevent your dog from digging in your garden beds by using physical barriers like chicken wire, or by training them to stay out of that area using positive reinforcement.

4. What should I do if my neighbor’s dog keeps entering my garden?

Speak to your neighbor and ask them to keep their dog on a leash or in their own yard. If the problem persists, you may need to escalate the issue to the appropriate authorities or seek legal assistance.


In conclusion, keeping dogs out of your garden requires a combination of strategies, including building a fence, choosing the right plants, using barriers, training your dog, using repellents, and creating a designated dog area. By utilizing these tips, you can keep your garden beautiful and dog-free!

By Emma Green

Emma Green is a gardening enthusiast who has been sharing her knowledge and passion for all things green for over a decade. Her love for gardening started at a young age and has grown into a full-time career. Emma loves to experiment with new plants, designs, and gardening techniques. She shares her expertise through her writing, focusing on garden product reviews and guides. Emma believes that gardening is not only a hobby but also a way of life, where we can connect with nature and find tranquility in our busy lives.

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