How to Clear a Garden Full of Weeds

By Emma Green May 2, 2023

If you are a gardening enthusiast, you know the importance of keeping your garden free from weeds. Weeds are stubborn and pesky plants that grow rapidly and compete with your cultivated plants for nutrients and water. Not only do weeds make your garden look unsightly, but they can also harbor pests and diseases that cause harm to your plants. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best solutions for clearing a garden full of weeds.

Ways to clear a garden full of weeds

Hand pulling

Hand pulling is an effective way to remove weeds from your garden. It is best suited for small gardens or areas with only a few weeds. To hand pull weeds, grip the weed close to the base and pull it out gently but firmly. Be careful not to break the weed just below the soil surface, as this will allow it to grow back. For best results, ensure that you pull the entire root system out.


Mulching involves covering the soil with organic matter such as straw, leaves, or grass clippings. The organic matter blocks sunlight from reaching the soil surface, preventing weed seedlings from growing. In addition to suppressing weed growth, mulching also helps to conserve soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and add nutrients to the soil.

Using herbicides

Herbicides are chemicals designed to kill weeds. They are available in both organic and synthetic forms. Organic herbicides are made from natural plant extracts and are safe for the environment. Synthetic herbicides, on the other hand, are made of chemicals and may have harmful effects on humans and the environment.

When using herbicides, it is important to read and follow the instructions carefully. Apply the herbicide only to the weeds and not the surrounding plants. Be careful not to apply too much herbicide, as it can damage or kill your plants.


Solarization involves covering the soil with a clear plastic sheet for several weeks. The heat from the sun trapped by the plastic sheet kills weed roots, seeds, and pathogens. To solarize your garden, moisten the soil and cover it with a clear plastic sheet. Leave the sheet in place for at least four to six weeks during the summer when temperatures are high.


Rototilling is a method used to break up and aerate hard soil. It is also useful for removing large patches of weeds quickly, especially in large gardens or agricultural fields. To rototill, use a machine or a garden tiller to loosen the soil, making it easier to remove the weeds.


Here are some frequently asked questions regarding how to clear a garden full of weeds:

1. Do I need to clear all the weeds from my garden?

No, not all weeds are bad. Some, like clover and vetch, are considered beneficial for the soil. However, you need to clear most weeds from your garden to ensure your cultivated plants get the necessary nutrients and water.

2. Can I use vinegar to kill weeds?

Yes, vinegar is an effective organic herbicide that can kill weeds. However, it is best for young and small weeds. For larger ones, you may need to use multiple applications.

3. How often do I need to weed my garden?

Weeding should be done regularly to prevent weed growth. Ideally, you should weed your garden once every two weeks during the growing season. However, this can vary depending on the size of your garden and the number of weeds.

4. Can I reuse mulch to suppress weed growth?

Yes, you can reuse mulch to suppress weed growth. However, it is recommended that you add fresh mulch on top of the old one to ensure it is effective.


In conclusion, keeping your garden free from weeds requires effort, consistency, and the use of effective weed control methods. Hand pulling, mulching, herbicides, solarization, and rototilling are some of the best solutions for clearing a garden full of weeds. Choose the method that works best for your garden and remember to practice regular maintenance to prevent weeds from growing back.

By Emma Green

Emma Green is a gardening enthusiast who has been sharing her knowledge and passion for all things green for over a decade. Her love for gardening started at a young age and has grown into a full-time career. Emma loves to experiment with new plants, designs, and gardening techniques. She shares her expertise through her writing, focusing on garden product reviews and guides. Emma believes that gardening is not only a hobby but also a way of life, where we can connect with nature and find tranquility in our busy lives.

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